“We have to find a way to enable those activities to resume, which includes cross-border travel, without putting public health at risk. This is not a matter that will be resolved in a couple of days but we will discuss it and definitely find a solution,” Bozinovic said.
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Author: Bartosz
Mallorca just announced that from the Middle of June all restrictions which are effecting yacht charter industry will be lifted!
When can I get back to my boat and what plans should I make for this summer? At least regarding the reopening of the ports in Spain, there has been relative clarity since yesterday ! In accordance with the Spanish government’s 4-step timetable for the exit from the corona-related lockdown, the ministry responsible for the activities of the sports harbours and the nautical sector has now announced the following step-by-step plan to reopen the sector: Phase 0 from May 4th Access to the port and boats is allowed to carry out a security and technical condition check. This applies to only 1 person per boat and only if the owner lives in the same municipality of the port (geographical restriction of the traffic ). The performance of sailing as an individual sport for the corresponding boat classes is permitted. Phase 1 from May 11th Leaving the harbour with boats as a sport and leisure activity reduced to small groups on board (family, same household) is generally permitted. Geographical restrictions apply, the province of the home port must not be left. Phase 2 from the beginning of June The reduction to small groups is lifted. The geographical restrictions on the respective province apply. Even boat owners who live outside the municipality of the port are now allowed to go to their boats. Phase 3 from mid-June All geographical restrictions are removed. Unrestricted access to the ports and boats, all nautical activities including charter are possible in compliance with the applicable hygiene regulations. What does this mean specifically for foreign owners who have their boats in spanish marinas? The gradual reopening of the marinas starts immediately and with geographic restrictions it is possible to leave harbours with boats starting May 11th. From the beginning of June, access to the marina and boats will also be permitted to people who do not reside in the same municipality of the port. When each foreign owner can go back to his boat depends only on the travel restrictions of the respective country of origin and the reopening of the Spanish borders for individual trips. It can be assumed that this will not be possible before mid-June. Use of the boat and unrestricted entry and exit will then be possible. So – be ready to get back on the water! |
Are you ready?
Mallorca is getting ready!
Motor yacht charter – the safest way to spend the holiday!
”Everyone wants to come to Croatia.”
Croatia is on the list of countries at least affected by COVID-19, that’s why most of the people will want to go there to spend the holiday on motor yachts!
“We, like other countries, will work on bilateral issues. I think that’s okay, especially with the countries we are neighbours with. We have been talking to the Czechs for ten days, the Prime Minister also called his colleagues from Hungary, Austria, so the talks are open and bilateral,” added the minister of Tourism in Croatia!
Cappelli said no one would be banned from coming! Now they agreed the borders opening with: Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovenia!
Cappelli said no one would be banned from coming and added that Croatia is negotiating with one of the tourism sectors – we really believe that this sector is the yacht charter sector!
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Travel restrictions are about to disappear!
Summer Travel for Europeans was discussed with EU Tourism Ministers and Croatian Travel Minister Gari Cappelli – “Cappelli hopes that by the end of May, at least at the bilateral level, they could agree to open some kind of tourist borders with some countries, with a respectable number of countries already interested.”
Tourism is crucial in saving and strengthening certain European economies, such as the Italian and Spanish ones, which, like Croatia, have a high share of tourism in total GDP.
Let’s keep our fingers crossed! The yachts are ready and waiting for you in Cala d’Or on Mallorca and Marina Frapa in Rogoznica, Croatia!
#yachtcharter #summer2020 #croatia #mallorca
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New week, fresh news!
German Bild announced that Croatia is Corona-Free Destination for Summer Travel in 2020!
From all favourites destinations as Italy, France etc. Croatia is at least affected by a coronavirus. That’s why it is gonna be the safest travel destination!
We invite all people interested in spending a safe and interesting holiday on one of our yachts to contact us!
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Great news from Croatia!
We are receiving great news about the season in Croatia!
The Croatian government is working on opening the borders on 18th May! The motor yacht charter should be possible from June, our Ferretti Yachts, Pershing, Sessa Marine and Galeon are ready to use!
Let’s keep the fingers crossed! The motor yacht charter holidays are about to start!
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The season on Mallorca can start soon!
The president of the Council of Mallorca announced that this year tourism season is possible to begin! Mallorca can not wait for the vaccine, because it can be too late.
The first steps to reopen the economy are planned. As a priority, the Councill would like to give a green light to all local and inter-island market. The international movement has a priority level number 3, it is gonna be open after all local and national market will be back after a month of break.
Mallorca is still fighting to set all up and give us more positive news, especially in the motor yacht charter tourism sector. The holidays on Mallorca in 2020 are possible!
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Croatian Prime Minister just announced that the restrictions applied to Croatian Labour will be relaxed starting from 27.04.2020!
Is it the first step to open the borders for tourist movement? We believe that yes! There are some rumours that the yacht charter will be possible for tourist since 1st June! This kind of holiday is the safest one as the people spending time on the board of yacht are self-isolated!
Three steps of taking off the restrictions!
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